Our partners

Sophie Blégent-Delapille Managing Partner

Partner, Sophie, advises leading international companies on their growth strategies worldwide and investment funds in mergers-acquisitions and international tax.

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Orianne Achéritéguy

Partner, Orianne specializes in individual taxation and employee shareholding. She is a member of the Global Rewards team.

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Hélène Alston

Hélène Alston, Partner, is specialized in asset management taxation. She advises management companies, custodians and French and foreign institutional investors.

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Nathalie Ayme

Nathalie Aymé

Partner, Nathalie advises French and foreign multinational groups on domestic and international tax issues.

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Rémi Barnéoud

Partner, Rémi leads teams of engineers and financial experts for securing public funding for large R&D and ecological transition projects.

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Jean Bernardini

Jean is the head of the Africa Desk in France dedicated to the African practice based in Paris with over 15 years of experience in Africa M&A deals and international projects in Africa.

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Magali Besnard

Magali, Partner, advises big international and French companies in organizing their computerized audits, accounting and tax governance also digitalization of tax and finances resources.

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Etienne Boyé

Partner, Etienne advises major French and foreign international groups regarding their international mobility issues as well as private clients with an international estate. He is a member of the Global Employer Services team.

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Antoine Brunetto

Antoine is a Partner, member of the Financial Services Industry Tax Practice, in charge of the Insurance sector. He assists French and non-French groups on advisory and reorganization missions (both in France and cross border).

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Lucille Chabanel

Partner, Lucille advises worldwide companies on their R&D tax Credit matters and similar incentives in other countries.

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Yannick Chalmé Managing Director-Of Counsel

Yannick Chalmé is Managing Director-Of Counsel in charge of the transformation of the legal function within the Legal team.

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Ariane Châteaux

Partner, Ariane regularly advises the tax departments of multinational groups, mostly French and listed, on the design, securing and execution of their tax strategy. She is used to assisting her clients with their transformation operations (internal restructuring and M&A).

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Stéphanie Chatelon

Partner, Stéphanie specializes in restructuring, insolvency and mergers-acquisitions.

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Pierre-Emmanuel Cot-Quilici

Partner lawyer, Pierre-Emmanuel supports his clients in their national and international development.

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Eric Couderc

Partner, Eric advises international groups and private equity houses on the tax aspects of their M&A transactions.

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Sylvain Cuvigny

Partner, Sylvain advises ETIs, SMEs and more generally family businesses as part of their development strategy, organization of their governance and transmission.

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Photo de Maud Davené

Maud Davené

As experienced M&A Tax Lawyer-Partner, Maud leads, coordinates and executes large, complex cross-border M&A transactions for both primary high-profile Private Equity Firms and Strategic Corporate Buyers.

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Cécile Debin

Partner, Cécile has a strong practice of M&A transactions, for French and foreign groups and private equity funds.

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Hélène Deléchapt

Partner, Hélène advises worldwide companies in their international mobility strategies.

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Julien Dominguez

Partner, Julien’s practice covers all areas of corporate taxation, and he has a specific expertise on tax structuring, restructuring and the tax aspects of mergers and acquisitions in France as well as patrimonial taxation.

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Malik Douaoui

Malik Douaoui

Partner, Malik specializes in individual and collective relationships management, as well as on the social aspects of corporate restructurings.

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Lionel Draghi

Lionel Draghi

Partner and Engineer, Lionel advises companies on their R&D tax credit.

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Mikaël Eveno

Partner, Mikaël is in charge of the Occitanie region & Mediterranean area, as well as the Deloitte Private offer.

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Eric De Fenoyl

Eric de Fenoyl

Partner, Eric specializes in Public Law. He advises public companies in connection with public-private partnerships and the financing of equipments.

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Alexis Fillinger

Partner, Alexis advises in shareholding and has developed skills in personal tax related to financial products.

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Simon Fournier

Simon is a Partner in the corporate law practice and is member of the Financial Services Industries team of the firm. He assists French and foreign groups in their M&A operations and legal reorganizations, both in France and cross-border.

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Sébastien Frick

Partner, Sébastien is at the head of the Strasbourg office and in charge of the north-east of France region.

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Hervé Gabadou

Legal expert & partner in IT projects and complex outsourcing operations, Hervé intervenes both in advisory and litigation matters. He also acts as an external DPO (Data protection officer).

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Marine Gadonneix

Marine, Partner, advises French groups on the implementation of tax reportings, the improvement and the internal auditing of the tax function.

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Etienne Genot

Etienne Genot

Etienne is the partner leading the French Financial Services tax and legal practice.

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Sylvain Gagneux

Partner, Sylvain specializes in domestic and international tax law.

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Michel Guichard Lawyer Of Counsel

Michel Guichard, Counsel, brings 35 years of experience in Indirect Taxation and Tax Litigation. Through his contacts and his experience as former President of the Hauts de Seine Bar Association, he can help you, together with the lawyers of his firm, to build a strategy of advice and defence.

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Anne Gerometta

Partner, Anne advises international companies on their indirect tax issues. Anne has a specific experience on the FSI sector (bank, insurance and asset management).

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Nadia Hamya

Partner, Nadia advises French and international groups on individual tax and international mobility matters and private clients regarding their international estate.

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Vanessa Irigoyen

Vanessa is a Partner specialized in Customs Export Control and Indirect Tax (VAT).

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Eric Guillemet

Eric Guillemet is a lawyer with more than 20 years’ experience in labor law. He assists companies with their development and their day-to-day management.

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Bertrand Jeannin

Partner, Bertrand advises major French and international companies on the building of their VAT and custom tax strategies and policies.

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Sarvi Keyhani

Partner, Sarvi specializes in real estate tax transactions. At the head of a team of professionals specialized in different areas of real estate tax, she advises international investors on tax aspects of major French and cross-border transactions.

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Mathias Jourdan

Mathias assists companies in all their social law and social security law issues. He acts both in counseling and as a litigator in his area of ​​expertise.

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Corinne Knopp

Partner, Corinne specializes in real estate law and advises investors, asset managers, finance parties and end users clients on their real estate transactions.

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Christophe Le Bon

Christophe Le Bon

Partner, Christophe advises French and foreign groups on corporate and international tax matters.

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Philippe Legeais

Philippe Legeais

Partner, Philippe heads the international mobility team of the Lyon office and also advises French and international companies.

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Antoine Larcena

Antoine Larcena

Partner, Antoine specializes in corporate M&A and private equity, as well as in finance and securities.

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Arnaud Mabille

Partner, in charge of the Rouen office, Arnaud advises French companies in their development strategy (acquisition, fundraising); in the context of transmission (family or external).

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Eric Lesprit

Partner, Eric Lesprit is specialized in international tax, particularly in the fields of transfer pricing and double taxation elimination procedures (advanced pricing agreements and mutual agreements).

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Grégoire Madec

Grégoire Madec

Partner, Grégoire assists French and foreign groups on the definition and the management of their tax strategy.

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Laure Maffre

Partner, Laure, advises national and international groups and investments funds on their M&A operations.

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Christina Melady

Christina Melady

Partner, Christina advises companies and managers on personal tax, especially on remuneration matters.

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Alice de Massiac

Alice, Partner, has developed extensive expertise in supporting major groups in France and abroad, both in consulting and tax controversy.

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Nicolas Meurant

Partner, Nicolas specializes in shareholding with a strong expertise in the structuring of professional investments required for executives or individual shareholders.

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Arnaud Mourier

Arnaud Mourier

Partner, Arnaud specializes in Mergers-acquisitions, with an emphasis on Private Equity.

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Thierry Morgant

Thierry, Partner, advises large French and foreign companies regarding their effective tax rate management and the digitalization of their tax affairs.

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Aymeric Nouaille-Degorce

Partner, Aymeric assists companies in transfer pricing and international tax strategy.

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Stéphanie Norève

Associate lawyer, Stéphanie, advises French and international groups in labor and social security law.

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Julien Pellefigue

Partner and economist, Julien Pellefigue is specializing in transfer pricing and in the application of economic methods to legal and tax matters.

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Thomas Perrin

Partner, Thomas advises international groups in Corporate Tax. He created and headed the Global Investment and Innovation Incentives department and the Healthcare and Life Science sector until June 2016 before taking over the leadership of the Corporate Tax department.

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Sandrine Rudeaux

Former magistrate at the Administrative Court of Appeal of Versailles, Sandrine Rudeaux is a Partner in the Tax Litigation department.

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Jean-Charles Reny

Partner, Jean-Charles assists large and medium-sized companies regarding innovation taxation issues, particularly in the context of obtaining and securing the research tax credit, and "IP box" schemes.

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François Pierson

François advises companies for their day-to-day tax affairs and exceptional transactions (reorganizations, M&A and overseas operations).

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Julie Reynier

Partner, Julie assists her clients in International Mobility.

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Jean-Baptiste Redor

Jean-Baptiste is an Attorney-at-Law, expert in transfer pricing. As a partner, he is in charge of Deloitte Office in Nantes for the Tax and Legal practice.

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Sophie Tardieu

Partner, Sophie advises French and foreign multinational companies on corporate and international tax.

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Grégoire de Vogüé

Partner, Grégoire heads the Transfer Pricing team. He assists his clients in their transfer pricing strategies, at both national and international level

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Laurent Schwab

Laurent Schwab

Partner, Laurent advises French and foreign international groups on Corporate Tax matters.

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Stéphanie Rouchy

Stéphanie provides expatriate services to large multinational companies. She advises international groups on international mobility issues, managing the various aspects of international moves.

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Magda Yasumoto

Magda is a Partner at our GES practice in Paris with over 16 years’ experience in advising clients on tax, social security and remuneration matters in the mobility space.

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Olivier Venzal

Partner, Olivier advises international groups and private equity houses on the tax aspects of M&A transactions.

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Souad El Halfi joins Deloitte Société d’Avocats as a partner.

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